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Is It Crying or Colic? How to Tell the Difference

Post by Judy Dutton.

crying baby

Let's say your baby's crying -- again. Only this time, instead of eventually petering out, he keeps going ... and going. You've tried bouncing, singing, funny faces, even a long car trip with no ebb in your baby's angst. Your addled mind starts circling the dreaded C-word -- colic -- only you aren't even sure exactly what that is, or what's the difference between colic and plain old crying.

In a nutshell, colic is defined as "excessive crying" for no medical reason. About 15 to 20 percent of infants are colicky, and symptoms tend to be most prevalent between the ages of 3 weeks and 3 months. Only what does "excessive crying" mean exactly? Here are the details:

It might be colic if ...

Your baby cries for two or more hours a day, two or more days a week. Your baby tends to cry most during the evening hours. Nothing concrete is causing the baby discomfort. For a long time, colic was thought to be caused by gas, stomach aches, food allergies, or acid reflux. Only these health problems can cause excessive crying that's not related to colic -- which, by definition, has no clear medical cause. So if your baby's crying is accompanied by other behaviors -- arched back (a sign of reflux) or pulling up the legs (gas) -- then colic is likely not the culprit.

While the cause of colic is far from clear, many think it has to do with the baby's brain.

"Some babies' brains just aren't able to accommodate the stimulation we have in the modern world," says Ben Hoffman, MD, a pediatrician at Oregon Health & Science University. "With all the ambient noise, lighting, and conversations at Starbucks, the baby brain, for lack of a better word, needs to freak out and reboot."

If you suspect your baby has colic, make an appointment with your pediatrician so you can first rule out more obvious causes you might not be seeing yourself.

"Colic is a diagnosis of exclusion," says Dr. Hoffman. "That means that if your baby's crying is due to gas, GI problems, reflux, or some other pain, an intervention will work." If they don't, that means your baby has colic -- and while there is no treatment, there are things you can do to curb the symptoms.

More from The Stir: 11 Weird & Wacky Ways to Soothe a Fussy Baby

"Since we think colic is due to mental overload, it can help to keep a baby in a calm, quiet environment," says Hoffman. Gentle, repetitive movements, like in a swing, stroller, or car, can also lull baby into a better mood. Or feel free to experiment with what you think works best.

"I had one patient who traveled around with an industrial hairdryer," says Cheryl Wu, MD, a pediatrician in New York. "Whenever his baby cried, he blew it on his baby's face and she'd immediately stop."

The good news? Colic is just a phase -- albeit a trying one -- that typically ends by 6 months. It has no long-term adverse effects on your baby (or on you -- you'll be joking about it someday, promise!). 

"I always tell parents that colicky babies grow into spirited toddlers," says Dr. Wu. 

Do you think your baby had colic?


Image via dien/shutterstock

Nursing With Breast Implants: Is It Possible?

Post by Judy Dutton.

baby breastfeeding

If you've got breast implants, you may assume that your surgically enhanced bosom will throw an automatic wrench in any plans to nurse your baby. Good news! According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the majority of women with breast implants can breastfeed if they so desire -- and one study found that as many as 61 percent of women with implants breastfeed successfully.

Not convinced you can be one of them? Here are some concerns moms with breast implants may have ... and why they shouldn't worry.

Silicone/saline implants "leaking" into breast milk:

With something extra inside, you may be worried that your implants may get mixed up in the milk, but doctors have some good news for you. "They have actually measured silicone levels in milk after augmentations, and silicone is not increased," says Arthur Perry, MD, a plastic surgeon, professor at Columbia University, and author of Straight Talk About Cosmetic Surgery. "Even if it were increased, there is no evidence that this is harmful to the child. Interestingly, most nipples for bottle feeding are made of silicone rubber, nearly identical to the material in breast implants."

Meanwhile, saline implants are even less of a concern. Not only do fewer than 1 percent of saline implants leak, but even if yours does, "saline is simply salt water and totally drinkable," says Dr. Perry. Your baby will just pee it out.

Milk ducts affected by surgery:

A mom's milk ducts -- and, by association, the amount of milk she can produce -- may be impacted by surgery, but not necessarily. It all boils down to the location of the incision.

"If the implants were placed through an incision in the arm pit, this leaves the breast area unharmed," says lactation consultant Leigh Anne O'Connor. "But if the implants were placed through an incision in the nipple along the areola, in some cases it may sever some of the milk ducts." Yet even in this case, all is not lost: if the implant surgery happened years earlier, this may have given the ducts the time needed to heal ... and deliver milk.

Loss of nipple sensation:

Worried your nipples won't respond to baby's latch? Don't. One study conducted by researchers at the University of Puerto Rico found that only 2 percent of breast augmentation patients report a loss in nipple sensation. And even if you end up in this slim minority, this should not impact your ability to breastfeed -- just the way it feels. 

"Even if the nipple is numb, the breast can still make milk," says Dr. Perry. "Plus, nipple erections -- which are important for the baby to latch -- occur independently from nerve function." So even if the nerves to the nipple are severed, you're still good to go.

More from The Stir:8 Breastfeeding Positions to Make Nursing Easier on Mom


When a mom's milk comes in, her breasts will already feel full to the point of bursting, and for moms with implants, there's even less room. But this is not a deal breaker either.

"Pump for a few minutes to attempt to soften the areola area of breasts so the infant will be able to compress the breast tissue and breastfeed," suggests Bonnie Herbst, a lactation consultant at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. "And after breastfeeding, mom can place ice packs over her breasts for 20 minutes to relieve the engorgement."

More good news: engorgement problems usually resolve on their own within about three to four days. After that, breastfeeding should become smooth sailing for you and baby both.

Breastfeeding will damage the implants or cause them to sag:

"Implants are sturdy," assures Dr. Perry. "To show women how sturdy they are, I like to put them on the floor and stomp on them." While we wouldn't recommend you road-test this wisdom, know that a breastfeeding baby can't do much damage!

Plus, a recent study measuring the dimensions of breasts with implants found that breastfeeding had a negligible effect on whether the breasts sag. Rather, the researchers found that the hormonal changes of pregnancy were responsible for changing breast shape. So if you do lose some perkiness post-baby, chalk it up to your pregnancy! Neither breastfeeding nor your implants are to blame.

What was your biggest breastfeeding hurdle, and how did you make it over the hump?

Image © Aurelie and Morgan David de Lossy/cultura/Corbis

Quiz: Is Your Car Seat As Safe As You Think?

Post by Alina Adams.

There are more than 1,000 car accidents every day in America, making motor vehicle injuries the leading cause of death for kids. So how do we keep our kids safe? Two words: car seats. But even if you do have a safety seat in your car (and if you don't, get one stat!), you have to follow all the rules to make sure it's up to snuff in case of a crash. Think you've got all the ins and outs of car seats down pat? Take our quiz to find out.

There are more than 1,000 car accidents every day in America, making motor vehicle injuries the leading cause of death for kids. So how do we keep our kids safe? Two words: car seats. But even if you do have a safety seat in your car (and if you don't, get one stat!), you have to follow all the rules to make sure it's up to snuff in case of a crash. Think you've got all the ins and outs of car seats down pat? Take our quiz to find out.

Modern Nursery With A Masculine Touch

Post by Gabrielle Blair.

Natural finish wood is really seeing a renaissance as of late and I couldn't be happier about it, I mean, take a look at that gorgeous ceiling. Except guess what? It's wall paper! This nursery is packed full of surprises, click through to see exactly what I mean. 

The crib? Ikea! Dressed with the right linens (Dwell Studio to be specific), it takes on a sophisticated air. I love the sweet simplicity of the little outfit, as well as the print above the crib. 

The rocker is an IKEA hack, what great lines. The side table is from Target of all places and is totally knocking it out of the park!

Another great dresser slash changing table. Function and style are my two best friends. 

Here's a good look at that fantastic light fixture, I love the copper underside. The entire room manages to evoke a masculine vibe without being overbearing, and yet, you could swap a few things here and there and still have a nursery neutral enough for either gender.

I know I preach neutrals a lot, but they provide such a solid foundation when it comes to design and decor in my humble opinion. I'd love to know if you're with me on this concept, hooray for neutrals or too bland for your taste? Let's discuss! 

Measles Are Everywhere: How Much Do You Really Know? (TRIVIA)

Post by Suzee Skwiot.

Once upon a time, American doctors thought they were well on their way to eradicating the measles. But this childhood virus just keeps on coming back, and moms want to do everything they can to protect their kids. Are you taking the right steps to keep your kids safe from the measles? Take our quiz to find out. 

Once upon a time, American doctors thought they were well on their way to eradicating the measles. But this childhood virus just keeps on coming back, and moms want to do everything they can to protect their kids. Are you taking the right steps to keep your kids safe from the measles? Take our quiz to find out. 

Can Breastfeeding Protect Babies From the Measles?

Post by Judy Dutton.

breastfeeding baby

Moms hear all the time that breastfeeding boosts the baby's immunity by passing along the mother's antibodies. With a measles outbreak spreading, many a breastfeeding mom may be wondering if nursing can keep their babies safe from the virus. After all, babies under the age of 1 can't get the measles vaccine, so it sure would be nice to know that nursing could help protect your baby.

Alas, as nice as this would be, breast milk can't do everything. In one Belgian study testing the levels of measles antibodies in 207 mothers and their infants, researchers found that breastfeeding had no significant impact on measles antibody levels in babies. And doctors tend to agree.

"Breast milk offers some protection, but it's not really enough to shut down a measles infection," says James Abbey, MD, a medical researcher at the Infant Risk Center in Amarillo, Texas.

The reason? Breast milk delivers different types of antibodies, and the one it delivers in spades is called IGA, which coats the throat and digestive tract. But the kind of antibodies you need to fight off measles is called IGG.

"Breast milk has some IGG," Dr. Abbey explains, "but it doesn't always make it into the bloodstream where it can offer the right protection."

That's why breast milk does great at warding off infections in the throat and stomach ... but falls short when it comes to fighting off more contagious, systemic viruses like measles, chicken pox, or polio.

More from The Stir: Measles Parties: The New Way to Immunize Your Kids

That said, the news isn't all bad, since the Belgian study also found that babies do naturally get a decent amount of measles antibodies at another point: during pregnancy! These antibodies, passed through the placenta, typically remain in the baby's body for 3.8 months for women who are "naturally immune" (meaning they got measles as a kid) and for .97 months for vaccinated mothers. By six months, though, 95 percent of the former babies and 99 percent of the latter had lost all those antibodies. Still, at least your baby does have some protection when he's young and fragile -- it sure is better than nothing!

Bottom line: don't count on nursing to protect baby from the measles, but don't be discouraged either -- every little bit helps. 

What measures have you considered to keep your baby safe from measles?


Image via Dmytro Vietrov/shutterstock

10 Breastfeeding Myths Debunked

Post by Judy Dutton.

woman breastfeedingEven today, breastfeeding is a practice cloaked in mysteries and misconceptions. Why? We can't say, but if you've heard any of these breastfeedingwives tales and believe them, they can wreck havoc with your nursing plans -- so it's high time to set the record straight. Read on for some of the wildest breastfeeding myths women still believe, followed by a refreshing reality check.

Trust us, you'll save yourself tons of agony by knowing the truth!

Read #7 before it's too late!


Image via Oleg Malyshev/shutterstock

10 Worst Reasons to Wean a Breastfed Baby

Post by Judy Dutton.

breastfeeding baby

All good things must eventually come to an end, and breastfeeding is no exception. Still, the question remains: When should you wean? Turns out many women stop breastfeeding long before they have to -- or want to -- due to misguided beliefs about what's best for their baby's health.

To make sure you aren't jumping the gun, check out the faulty logic that makes many a mom end nursing before it's really time. Keep them in mind when you hit these roadblocks so you can decide when is truly the right time for you!

When did you know it was time to stop breastfeeding?


Image via Dmytro Vietrov/shutterstock

16 Bizarre Facts About Baby Food Through the Years

Post by Judy Dutton.

baby eating food

As soon as babies start eating solids, it's mind-boggling how much baby food you plow through in your average week. And whether you slave away on homemade or fill your shopping cart with jars of Gerber, Earth's Best, or some other brand, you'll be surprised to know that baby food has a long and colorful history behind it. Here are some surprising facts about baby food that will make you see feeding time in a whole new way.

Would you have bought that "flavor" baby food in #10? Yikes!


Image via Golden Pixels LLC/shutterstock

10 Surprising Scientific Facts About Circumcision

Post by Judy Dutton.

surgeryCircumcision is one of those controversial decisions many parents must weigh -- and since people's feelings can often get carried away on this topic, it can really help to do your homework and know the latest scientific facts. This should help. We've taken a look at the studies on the benefits and the risks of circumcising your little boy.

Researchers have weighed in on everything from the right time to get it done (if that's what you want, of course) to how parents make the choice.

Is #10 how you decided, too?


Image © iStock.com/kzenon

Co-Sleeping With Baby: What's Your Safety IQ? (TRIVIA)

Post by Jeanne Sager.

Bed sharing. Co-Sleeping. The family bed. It goes by many names, but it all comes down to one thing: cuddling with your sweet ones at night. The American Academy of Pediatrics warns parents not to place their infants to sleep in adult beds due to suffocation hazard and other risks, but still moms are doing it. Whether it's because Mom's still breastfeeding or your pre-schooler has night terrors, there are myriad reasons why parents bring baby (and big kids) to bed. But how much do you really know about co-sleeping safely? Take the quiz to find out if you're following best practices at bedtime.

Bed sharing. Co-Sleeping. The family bed. It goes by many names, but it all comes down to one thing: cuddling with your sweet ones at night. The American Academy of Pediatrics warns parents not to place their infants to sleep in adult beds due to suffocation hazard and other risks, but still moms are doing it. Whether it's because Mom's still breastfeeding or your pre-schooler has night terrors, there are myriad reasons why parents bring baby (and big kids) to bed. But how much do you really know about co-sleeping safely? Take the quiz to find out if you're following best practices at bedtime.

'I Hate My Thighs' Onesie-- Because It's Never Too Soon to Make Your Daughter Hate Her Body​​

Post by Adriana Velez.

onesies wry baby ms magazineThere's a bit of a kerfuffle going on over a baby's snapsuit design -- you're shocked, right? Well, it all started when clothing company Wry Baby created a t-shirt design that reads "I hate my thighs." 

They meant it as an ironic joke -- get it? Because babies are supposed to have chubby thighs. But we adult women tend to feel deep, piercing shame if our thighs are the least bit zaftig. So, haha! Babies ... can be fat ... and we can't ... hilarious.

Ms. Magazine and its readers were not so tickled about the ironic fat-shaming baby tee. As blogger Michele Kort put it, "there’s something icky about projecting fat awareness on babies."

Wry Baby took the criticism in stride and decided to leave the question up to its customers via their Ms. Magazine Snapsuit Challenge. They've pitted "thighs" against another design reading, "Love me for my leg rolls." All proceeds from either design will go to the Ms. Foundation for Women.

Well played, Wry Baby! 

More from The Stir: 20 Onesies Too Disturbing for a Baby

If I were voting, I think I'd go for the leg rolls love design. I agree with the ickiness of projecting adult hangups on babies. Doing that alone is bad enough -- I mean, would you put a t-shirt reading "Darn this bulimia, I just can't keep anything down!" on your baby? Okay, hating your thighs isn't as serious as that. But it's on that spectrum. 

I know your baby can't read. But if you're laying on your self-loathing and body image issues on her while she's a baby you'll probably do it when she's older, too. And she gets enough of those messages from the world as it is.

Our kids are sponges who pick up on more than we think. Just like you're (hopefully) taming your potty mouth and cleaning up your language before she starts repeating those words, now is a good time to clean up your attitudes about body image. Let your baby grow up with a mom who doesn't fat shame, and she'll be a lot less likely to develop an eating disorder later on.

As long as you have the option, why not go with the more positive message?

What do you think --which snapsuit do you prefer?


Image via Wry Baby


9 Ways to Upcycle Leftover Baby Items

Post by Judy Dutton.

baby jars to spice containers

Most moms are painfully aware of all the STUFF you're required to buy on baby's behalf… and that it quickly outwears its usefulness. But aside from giving away mountains of clothes or tossing old cribs, what do you do? Just watch your money go down the drain?

Hold up. There is another option: upcycle those baby items instead!

How to upcycle used baby products

Here are some ingenious ways to give old baby clothes, baby food jars, playpens, and more a second life in your home. Not only are they great ways to save money, but you get to hold onto a few more sentimental items for the long haul!

Who knew baby food pouches could be revamped in such a cool way? 


Image via Unsophisticatedcook.com

11 Sweet Mementos to Collect for Baby's 18th Birthday Starting on the Day She's Born

Post by Suzee Skwiot.

year of the animalAfter you've decked out the nursery and collected all your baby shower winnings, you think you might be done buying gifts for baby. Not so much. As a memento, and to perfectly capture this special moment in time, parents are now buying birthday and year keepsakes for their kids to open and receive much later.

From fun time capsules to "open it when you reach this milestone," these gifts are specifically meant to commemorate the year in which you welcomed your baby into the world.

So get a brand new wish list ready and start planning for baby's future gifts.

gifts to buy in baby's first year

Don't forget to do #4 on the day of birth! It's super important. 



Image via Etsy

8 Parenting Tips From Hollywood's Most Sought-After Baby Nurse

Post by Judy Dutton.

hollywood baby

Where do celebrities go for parenting advice? Well, if you ask Cindy Crawford, Glee producer Ryan Murphy, The Talk host Julie Chen, and many others in the Hollywood area, they'd swear by baby nurse Luiza DeSouza. While her highly-sought-after services may be hard to snag (or afford) these days, she's done us all a favor by putting her advice in a book: Eat Play Sleep.

The book is a guide to a baby's first three months of life -- a time when parents are usually the most shell shocked and in need of a baby nurse at their side. And it doesn't get more reassuring that Luiza, who takes a gentle, common-sense approach to parents' biggest struggles, from getting a baby to stop crying to mastering breastfeeding and going to sleep. 

eat play sleep

For a peek at the parenting tips the stars can afford, here are a few gems we gleaned from DeSouza's book:

Don't answer baby right away. When you hear your baby cry -- and he's obviously fine, like just waking up in his crib -- try to hold off a few minute before you head in. This teaches babies how to wait, which is a powerful lesson in self control.  Never let a baby cry for more than three minutes. That said, don't let baby cry for too long! For instance, if you're putting baby to sleep, let him cry for three minutes alone. After that period, if the baby is still crying, head in and comfort him; then leave for another three. That way your baby learns to soothe himself to sleep but isn't left alone long enough to work himself (or you!) into a total tizzy.Microwave a disposable diaper. If you're breastfeeding, a warm, wet diaper placed on your breast right before nursing will help with letdown and get milk flowing. You can also use a damp towel, but a diaper holds heat longer and is less of a soggy mess.Skip the soap ... on you anyway. Breastfeeding moms should also refrain from using soap on their breasts, says DeSouza. The reason: This eliminates your body's natural oils that keep your nipples from cracking (ouch). Instead, spread breast milk on your breasts, which has amazing healing and antibacterial properties.

More from The Stir: 10 Breastfeeding Myths Debunked

Play with your baby in 10 minute spurts. Some parents make the mistake of playing for their baby, when babies should also learn how to amuse themselves. So once you've played for 10 minutes, DeSouza says you should drift away to give him some space to make discoveries on his own.Use words babies understand. Try not to use phrases like "don't touch that wire!" because touching is how infants learn -- plus he may not yet know what a "wire" is. Instead, keep it simple with "no!" or "no wire!" tops.Hiring help? Write down your routine. If you're hiring a nanny or babysitter, make sure to write down your baby's schedule for her: 8 a.m. breakfast, 9 a.m. café singalong, 11 a.m. nap, etc. Verbal instructions can easily be forgotten; a written list sticks. Overwhelmed? Tell yourself this. Whatever your baby is struggling with -- crying, sleeping, nursing -- repeat to yourself: It won't last forever. Why this is important: Without this long-term perspective, you may feel overwhelmed, and that's when you're at risk of developing bad habits, like caving into their demands and cultivating a baby who bosses you around. 

What was your biggest struggle in the first three months after giving birth?


Image via inakiantonana/istock

12 Things No One Ever Tells You About Baby's First Month of Life

Post by Caroline Olney.

You thought you made it past all the surprises now that you're finally done with pregnancy? Think again. The first month after your baby is born is really just an adjustment period for them -- their little bodies are learning to cope with the real world after all that time in the comfort of your womb.

That means they're going to go though a lot of weird changes ... and it's all stuff that no one really likes to talk about before it starts happening.

Some of the stuff that you find in your baby's diaper or on her body are going to seem straight-up strange, so we thought we'd give you a heads up. Here are 12 things that'll happen during your baby's first month that no one bothers to warn you about (but are totally normal!).

How strange is #7?! Are you surprised by these changes?


Image via Uber Images/shutterstock

11 Craziest Requests Babysitters Have Gotten From Parents

Post by Judy Dutton.

babysitter with kids

Sometimes it's hard to hand over child care duties to a babysitter -- after all, you want to make sure your little tots are well cared for, right? Still, some parents take things a little too far when it comes to micro-managing their kids' lives when they're out of their sight. 

As proof, check out what these babysitters and nannies below had to say about the craziest requests they've heard from parents on how to dress, bathe, feed, or treat their kids.

Consider this a list of demands to not make if you want your sitter to stick around!

LEGO Sorting Insanity
"You know how LEGO bricks have one, two, three, etc. 'bumps' on them? Well, while serving as a part-time nanny to an 8-year-old, the mother demanded I sort them. She took upcycled milk cartons, cut off the tops, then drew, on the inside, along the top, the picture of what shape should go in the carton. ACK. Seriously lady? This was after college, so here I was, a college-educated woman, sorting LEGOs."No Shoes, No Service
"I once had a stay-at-home dad come drop off his 18-month-old at my family child care home. Right away, I noticed that neither the dad nor his toddler were wearing shoes. He told me that he doesn't 'believe in wearing shoes' for himself or his son, and requested that I not put any on his toddler. The real kicker was that we lived in Alaska!"Get the Picture?
I had a mom drop off her 2-year-old with a hand-drawn picture of his butt, and where the rash was. That way, she said, I'd know where to put the cream -- as if it wasn't obvious already?"

More From The Stir: Little White Lies Moms Tell Their Babysitters

Clean Freak
"I used to babysit a little boy whose mom insisted that I wash his whole area with soap and water after every time he pooped. She'd even packed a bar of soap and a little rag for me to use for that purpose. I was fine with that … at least until one day she called me and accused me of not washing him because the bar of soap wasn't shrinking fast enough. The next day, she came in and showed me what she wanted me to do: lay him down on the kitchen counter, fill up the sink with water, and wash him from the waist down. I didn't feel safe laying him across the kitchen counter, so I just started sticking him in the tub. She then told me to not give him a bath, since that's her special time with him. Hands down, this was the weirdest lady I ever babysat for." Scary Scheduler
"One mom I worked for was absolutely a schedule Nazi. Her 8-week-old son was only allowed to eat x amount every x hours. He would always get hungry and inconsolable an hour or more before the scheduled time. And then when I would feed him, he'd gulp so fast he'd get sick. I understand trying to keep a baby on a schedule, but she took it to some ridiculous levels."Mission Impossible
"I had a mom ask that her daughter's white shoes remain clean outside. Um..."

More from The Stir: 7 Crazy Reasons Moms Fired Their Bad Babysitters

Food Fight
"I babysat this kid whose mom packed a bunch of canned and dried food, saying he'll only eat that stuff. When I asked him if he was hungry, he said yes and I tried feeding him some of that crap, but he wouldn't eat it. So I made him something from our house, and he did eat it. Then she got mad that I let him eat food from my house!"Pants Please
"I babysat an 8-month-old girl whose parents would get mad if she didn't have pants on at all times ... Only problem was, her pants were too big, so she kept crawling out of them or tripping on them when she was walking. I was constantly pulling them up or putting them back on -- and the girl would fight me tooth and nail to keep them off. So I would keep them off until just about pickup time."Er, Can't 4-year-olds Feed Themselves?  
"I once watched a 4-year-old girl from India who never ate. She just sat in front of the food and didn't do anything. When I talked to the mom, she asked if I was feeding her, because she hand feeds her. Apparently it's a cultural thing. I didn't want to disrespect their culture, but that was not going to happen."Who's in Charge Here?
"I babysat for a mom years ago whose 5-year-old daughter ran the entire house: The mom basically told me I had to listen to the girl the whole time I was there. Only problem was, the girl wanted to jump rope in the road, cook her own lunch, and wash the cat in the laundry machine. The clincher? She dumped a whole bag of popcorn kernels on the floor on purpose and told me I had to pick them up. When the mom returned, the little girl told her all of the stuff I didn't let her do, so the mom went to my mother and demanded to know what was the meaning of all of that... She was a holy terror, that kid, and her mom was so afraid of her, she tried to make everyone else obey her as well."Moving Day
"I babysat for a completely insane family for a grand total of three months -- that was as long as I could take it. The straw that broke the camel's back was when they informed me that I was going to be helping them move. I was fine while I was packing things during nap time, but when they asked me to carry heavy furniture to the moving truck I was done!"

What's the craziest request you've heard parents make of their babysitters?


Image via Pressmaster/shutterstock

Olivia Wilde Thinks Her Post-Baby Belly Is a Big Joke

Post by Adriana Velez.

olivia wildeWhen the very fit and svelte Olivia Wilde gave birth to her son Otis 11 months ago I assumed she probably bounced back to her pre-baby state fairly quickly. Because that's what celeb moms do all the time, right? Haha, of course not. Wait until you hear Wilde's description of her post-baby body.

In this month's issue of Shape, Wilde says her body looked like "a deflated pool toy." In fact, she says, "After giving birth, I joined the ranks of millions of new mothers when I moaned, ‘Why do I still look pregnant? Is there another one stuck in there?’” Aww! Stars, they're just like ... oh never mind.

But back to that metaphor, could it be more perfect? Leave it to Wilde, with her wicked sense of humor, to put it that way. Ouch! So true, and so funny. The only better description of a post-natal belly I've ever read is novelist Ann Lamott's from her memoir, Operating Instructions. She described her stretched-out midsection as a tired dog sleeping by her side.

We laugh because it's such a painful shock!

I remember seeing my stretched-out, wrinkly belly with horror and wondering if/when it would stop looking that way. You either laugh or you cry. I say, choose laughing if you can. Either way, it's not going to change the way your belly looks, so you might as well have a guffaw at your own expense, like Wilde does.

Oh well! It's just the crazy human body. Look what you just did -- you made a human being and pushed it out. Who wouldn't look like a deflated pool toy after that? Or come up with your own clever metaphor.

How would you describe your post-natal belly ... assuming you also have a wicked sense of humor?


Image via Shape magazine




Parents Refusing Newborn Eye Ointment: Is It Safe?

Post by Judy Dutton.


Once your baby is born, bonding may be at the top of your priority list, but medical staff on the maternity ward tend to be eager to perform an array of procedures in an effort to safeguard your newborn's health. One of these is to rub an antiobiotic ointment on their eyes called erythromycin. It's considered a standard procedure, but there's been a recent spike of parents refusing erythromycin, which may have you wondering what this eye goo really is -- and whether you should pass on it, too.

According to Peter Ahlering, MD, an OB/GYN in Chesterfield, Misourri at MCRM Fertility, that erythromycin, also called E-Mycin, is "used to treat eye infections caused by bacteria found in the birth canal of some women." 

The birth canal "bacteria" he's talking about are chlamydia and gonorrhea, which can get transmitted to a baby's eyes as he passes through on his way out.

But if you don't have these STDs, why do you need your baby treated for them?

Well, according to Bridget Boyd, MD, director of the newborn nursery at Loyola University Health System, the routine screenings for STDs that moms get during pregnancy might pick up on a problem. Then again, even if these tests came back negative during your pregnancy, there is, of course, a chance you might catch these STDs later on if you or your partner have unprotected sex with someone else.

While no one wants to think about a cheating partner during pregnancy, the experts say it's better to safe than sorry. "Even if you're sure you don't have these STDs, the ointment is still recommended," says Dr. Boyd. 

More from The Stir: What Really Happens When the Hospital Takes Your Newborn’s Blood

The reason for many experts' "no exceptions" stance: a chlamydia or gonorrhea infection can slowly damage a baby's eyes and, left unchecked over the years, can eventually lead to blindness. This may explain why various organizations including the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend that all newborns get the goo -- no exceptions.

Nonetheless, some parents refuse erythromycin due to fears of an allergic reaction or chemical conjunctivitis (otherwise known as pinkeye). "This could occur, but these reactions are extremely rare," says Dr. Boyd. Other parents who refuse may merely think it's unnecessary.

Still, if you do pass, there could be pushback.

"Parents do have the right of informed consent and informed refusal with regards to any treatment, medication and procedure their baby might receive," says Deena Blumenfeld, childbirth educator at Shining Light Prenatal Education. "So, you can say 'no' if you wish. More often than not, if you refuse, the doctor will have a long conversation with you and that is that. However, laws vary by locality and, although it's unlikely, staff can call Child Protective Services, which will be required to investigate."

Bottom line: By most expert accounts, the benefits of erythromycin far outweigh the risks, and refusing this treatment can cause hassles as well as putting your baby at risk for serious complications. So if you've got questions about this procedure or any other that's routinely given shortly after birth, be sure to discuss them with your doctor long before you go into labor to avoid any rash last-minute decisions, alright? 

Are there any medical procedures for babies that you're curious to know more about?


Image via Andresr/shutterstock

Sponsored Post: I Love Doing Laundry!

Post by Client Solutions.

Sponsored by Dreft 
available at Babies R Us

My friend Maria has four children spaced out evenly, two years between each. She’s one of those perfect mothers who are at ease with just about any parenting task. Her kids are well-behaved, well-dressed and well-taken-care-of. She is my idol.

And so, when she told me that she loved doing laundry, I stopped and listened to her. After all, laundry was a household chore that was going to be a part of my life for a long, long time. She said there was something soothing and satisfying about it. When she folded all those little kid clothes – ranging from nine months to five years-old (gulp!), she savored the scent and feel of each and every onesie, little pink socks and pint-sized pants and shirts. As she folded each article of clothing, she visualized her child and smiled at the memory of them in the outfit. And that’s how she learned to love doing laundry for a family of six.

I’m not kidding you. That’s how perfect this woman is.

Laundry was always one of my most dreaded tasks. It just reminded me of a bottomless pit. An endless pile that never diminishes. Like shoveling the walk while it’s still snowing.

But, after talking to my friend Maria (who has twice the number of kids as me, I might add), I realized it wasn’t too late to rethink my laundry logic. It wasn’t just about folding and sorting, but about finding the right detergent that’s gentle, but still can tackle the toughest of stains.

Dreft Stage 2: Active Baby is recommended for babies who are starting to crawl (good on grass stains!) and helps remove 99% of baby food stains. Plus, it’s got that great Baby Fresh scent that makes you realize it’s not all about grabbing what’s on sale. It’s finding what works best for you and your baby.

I will never be Maria. But, I actually do love doing laundry now. I think about the days ahead when my kids will be grown and gone and it works. I’ve learned to appreciate what I have here and now, even the piles of laundry.

What are you favorite laundry tricks?

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image© istock.com/ brebca


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