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8 Surprising Scientific Facts About Breastfeeding

Post by Suzee Skwiot.

mom breastfeeding baby

By now most moms have heard the phrase "breast is best." The virtues of breastfeeding are renowned the world over. But even in a country where more than 79 percent of babies have moms who start out breastfeeding, it turns out there's plenty nursing mothers don't know about breastfeeding.

Take the science on how breastfeeding affects boys ... as opposed to girls. Or what nursing a newborn will do to your sleep (no, really, this one will shock you!). For some fun nursing trivia (you know, if you're ever caught in that sort of game), get a load of these eight surprising facts about breastfeeding:

Breastfeeding is more beneficial for boys than girls. When researchers at the Western Australian Pregnancy Cohort looked at breastfeeding duration and academic success for 2,900 10-year-olds, they found that if breastfed for 6 months or longer, boys are more likely to have higher educational success later on in life. They'll be more skilled in math, spelling, reading, and writing, all because of mommy's milk. Good news, right? But get this! When they looked at girls, they found that breastfeeding has little effect on their school performance. If you're breastfeeding at conception, you're more likely to have twins. Sure, the chances of getting pregnant while breastfeeding are low, but if it does happen, a study in the Journal of Reproductive Medicine reports that you're nine times more likely to have twins than a women who isn't nursing.

More from The Stir: 10 Best States for Breastfeeding Moms: Is Yours on the List?

The right breast produces more milk. According to a 2006 study performed by researchers at the School of Women's and Infants' Health at The University of Western Australia, 76 percent of moms make more milk in their right breast, and that easily accounts for the reason why the right breast tends to be bigger than the left. But shockingly, it has absolutely nothing to do with whether mom is a rightie or a leftie, and it also doesn't hang on your baby's preference. Actually, it's all because of intrinsic milk production. That's nature for you.Mothers of boys produce more milk. Those little dudes are hungry! The same researchers at the School of Women's and Infants' Health  studied 71 moms and found that just because you had a boy, you'll produce about 30 extra grams of milk than a mother who's breastfeeding a daughter. Boys don't eat more often or longer though -- they just eat more.
What's in breast milk depends on the time of day. Yes, there is a cycle, and doctors at the University of Extremadura in Spain found that the individual components in breast milk change every single day. It depends on your own personal diet as well as the natural rhythm of the body. On top of all that, your nighttime breast milk contains a very handy component: tryptophan, which helps to induce sleep for the baby. You've completely configured yourself to the baby's schedule and your body knows exactly when to produce what milk.

More from The Stir: The Breastfeeding Mom’s Ultimate Survival Kit (PHOTOS)

The breast skin temperature changes as you breastfeed. Scientists at the Tokyo Medical and Dental University determined that after just five minutes of nursing, the skin temperature of the breast is significantly higher. Not only that, but you'll be able to realize the change in just the first week of nursing. Turns out, the breast gets significantly warmer between the first couple days and the end of the first week.Your baby recognizes your breast milk smell. Get this: a group of researchers at Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden found that babies can easily identify you by the smell of breast milk. They're little geniuses, aren't they? They know their momma based on the odor of the fluid. On top of that, the study also found that the little bumps around your nipple release a fluid that smells a lot like amniotic fluid. So after spending the nine months of pregnancy in the fluid, they're able to instantly recognize the familiar smell, making them feel safe and comfortable.Breastfeeding moms get more sleep. Sure, those restless nights are common for every parent of a newborn, but doctors at the University of California at San Francisco found that if you breastfeed, you get 40 to 45 more minutes of sleep per night than a mother who doesn't. Even more reason to get to nursing!

What is your favorite perk of breastfeeding?

Image © Corbis

Holy Moly, Pete Wentz' Baby Name Is a Lot for a Kid to Live Up To

Post by Jodi Meltzer.

Pete Wentz has managed to outdo himself as a card carrying member of the crazy celebrity baby name club. His first child with ex Ashlee Simpson, Bronx Mowgli, was a doozy. But second time around his kid registers on the highest richter of the playground teasing scale. Pete Wentz and girlfriend Meagan Camper named their son ... wait for it ... Saint Lazslo.

Saint Lazslo Wentz. 

Poor baby.

Unless they're enrolling Saint Lazslo in some underground playgroup with North West, Bear Blu, and Blue Ivy with teachers who get paid to stifle their snickers and sarcasm, he's in for it.

Pete, Pete, Pete. Nothing pisses me off more than a man who's gone through life with the name Pete not paying it forward to his offspring. How about you change your name to Saint Lazslo and call your son Pete? As parents, we're supposed to take the hits for our precious babies. Did you not get the memo?

More from The Stir: 10 Craziest Baby Names of the Last Year

There are 7 cardinal rules all parents should follow naming their children:

1. When you sing the "Bananafana" song your child's name should not rhyme with any embarrassing words or swears. Parents who have named their children Chuck will attest. "Chuck, Chuck, bo buck, bananafana fo f_ck, me mi mo muck ... Chuck!" Yeah, it sucks to be Chuck in the second grade. And, Pete, Saint does rhyme with taint. Just sayin'.

2. Your child's name should not belong in a fruit bowl (I still harbor feelings against mom snob Gwyneth Paltrow for naming her daughter Apple). Same holds true for a crayon box (when Beyonce's daughter gets old enough to understand what it really means to have the name Blue there may be another elevator brawl).

3. Names should not belong on the wing of a plane. I seriously thought Kimye brokered a deal for a new airline brand when they named their daughter. They pimp themselves out enough to do it!

4. Names should be easy to pronounce. I should not have to go back to the basics -- my long-lost elementary school skills -- to sound out your kid's name. Don't put me in a position of looking like a chump. I have a toddler with an attitude. I already have to deal with feelings of inadequacy, okay?

5. Names should not be able to pass for a breakthrough pharmaceutical drug. The top trending name for girls is Imogen right now. Really? Imogen sounds like a new birth control pill. 

6. Your kid's initials should not spell out something tease-worthy. I grew up with a kid whose initials were A.S.S. I still remember it ... and I don't remember much because I am so freaking exhausted every day.

7. Names should be able to fit inside the spaces of standard school forms ... like SAT exams. Do you really want your kid to throw their No. 2 pencil up in disgust because their name doesn't fit? 

8. When in doubt, do research. It's really not that hard. Baby Name Wizard has one-stop-shopping for parents who want to protect their kids from childhood torment.

I know celebs feel they have the cash and clout to overcome their kids' shortcomings. So Jason Lee didn't think twice about naming his son Pilot Inspektor. Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon blessed their twins as Moroccon and Monroe. But stars fade, people. Remember when M.C. Hammer had us all wearing ridiculous balloon pants dancing to "U Can't Touch This?" Now ...  crickets. Bankruptcy. He became a gangster rapper and then a preacher and reality show wannabe. I probably see him in Target and don't recognize him.

Pete, it's time to get your career going again so you can afford therapy ... or bribery ... or a private teacher for homeschooling. Whatever works. Saint Lazslo is going to need some extra investment, thanks to your name choice.

What do you think of celebrities who give their children crazy names?

For more great baby name ideas and find your perfect baby name match, visit Baby Name Wizard

Image via © Diana Scheunemann/Corbis Outline



New Dental Guidelines on Using Fluoride Are Bound to Stress Out Moms

Post by Suzee Skwiot.

baby brushing teeth with momIf you thought you knew everything about baby dental hygiene, think again. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) just released a new report that names tooth decay as "the most common chronic disease in children in the US" and urges parents to start using fluoridated toothpaste when baby gets her first tooth.

But before you start running out to your pediatrician and consulting the pharmacy on which new tube to buy, the AAP has set some very strict guidelines on how much parents should use and when. Fluoride, after all, can be toxic to babies when ingested in large amounts.

That's why fluoride toothpastes have typically been a no-no until kids were 2 ... at least.

But now the doctor's group is telling moms at the first sign of tooth eruption, it's time to start the fluoridated toothpaste. They say just a smear of it, only the size of a grain of rice, should be used until the baby is 3. After she turns 3, upgrade to a pea-sized amount.

More from The Stir: Breastfeeding & Cavities: How to Decrease Your Child's Risk

So what they're saying is we've been brushing baby's teeth wrong all this time? Way to add some more stress to parents, AAP!

And there's more ...

Parents should steer very clear of any fluoride rinses because the AAP does not recommend them for children under 6 since they're at a high risk of swallowing large levels of the liquid. Same rules apply for dentists as well. Your child's pediatrician has been urged to use fluoride varnish every three to six months, starting with the emergence of the first tooth.

Obviously, controlling what an infant swallows is a hard job to do. Which is why we've always been told to put off fluoride usage until they're older. It's rather rough trying to get a baby to spit on cue!

Not to mention there are some mixed messages out there about fluoride and what it can do to our kids. Some moms won't give their kids fluoride at all -- regardless of age. Others tend to wait as long as possible, and being told to start earlier -- years earlier -- puts them in a tight spot.

But the fact that the AAP is calling tooth decay the number one chronic disease in kids is certainly worth listening to ... and parents need to do something to fight it.

Will you be using fluoride on your littlest ones? Why or why not?


Image © iStock/LivingImages

Baby Poop Colors and What They Mean (PHOTOS)

Post by Judy Dutton.

Sometimes, poop isn't just poop. When babies are really little, stools are an obsession. Moms, in an effort to determine if their baby is eating enough (particularly a mystery for breastfeeders who can't measure their infant's intake), often track the number of soiled diapers per day -- it's akin to a full-time job. And until you have a baby, who even knew there were so many colors and textures and types of excrement? No wonder it can cause so much anxiety. To help you separate the true potential health problems from what's completely normal, we've put together a color-coded baby poop decoder (and don't worry, these photos won't make you gag). Whatever's going on down there in diaperville, we've got answers and advice on what to do if you do spot something worth worrying about.

Baby poop guideHave you noted any odd colors in your baby's diaper?

Images © Radius Images/Corbis; © iStock.com/kolosm

The Apgar Score: What It Means for Baby's Health

Post by Judy Dutton.

Your child will likely be taking a lot of tests in his or her life, many of which cause them (the SATs) and you (driver's license!) a lot of angst. But the first test your baby will ever take is the Apgartest, which he or she will "take" about a minute after being born. The test and resulting score, developed by Virginia Apgar, an obstetric anesthesiologist during the mid-1900s, are used worldwide as a quick, easy, and reliable way to gauge a newborn's health. And the good news is your baby is likely to pass with flying colors, so it's nothing you as a new mom should stress out about. And it won't hurt your baby one bit.

The Apgar measures: Appearance (skin color), Pulse (or heart rate), Grimace (or response to touch), Activity (or muscle tone based on degree of movement), and Respiration (evaluated by observing movement of the baby's chest).

The scoring is 0-10, with 0-3 meaning the baby needs resuscitation. A score of 4-6 means the baby is struggling to breathe. A score of 7-10 indicates a "stable" status. The Apgar test is usually given to a baby once at 1 minute after birth, then again at 5 minutes after birth, and later on if the infant is still having difficulties. While an Apgar score of 0-3 at 20 minutes is linked to a high rate of mortality, a less-than-stellar score at 1 or even 5 minutes is rarely a reason to worry.

"Babies do not need to have 'perfect 10s' to be very healthy," says Carol Weingarten, PhD, RN, a professor at Villanova’s College of Nursing. In fact, a 10 is highly unusual. "Lots of healthy 'normal' babies have a point deducted for such criteria as color or muscle tone," says Weingarten. "They 'pink up' quickly, can be very alert, and breastfeed well right after birth."

More from The Stir: 10 Labor & Delivery Problems No One Warns You About

Even if your baby falls in the 4-6 range and heart rate and respiratory effort are subpar, "Many times simple and swift interventions like removing fluids from the mouth or windpipe and giving oxygen correct respiratory issues and allow babies to breathe freely and normally," says Weingarten.

Bottom line: While the Apgar is great at determining if a baby needs immediate medical interventions, it is not an indicator of a baby's long-term health. So as long as your doctor has indicated there are no reasons to worry, don't stress if your newborn doesn't pass his first test with flying colors.

How did your newborn do on the Apgar?


Jennifer Aniston Confesses to Drinking Friend's Breast Milk (VIDEO)​

Post by Suzee Skwiot.

jennifer aniston jimmy kimmel

We're about to celebrate the 20th anniversary ofFriends, so you have the perfect reason to start re-watching all 10 seasons and maybe testing your Friends trivia knowledge. Test number one: anyone remember the episode where the friends taste Ross' ex's breast milk? Well if you don't, Jennifer Aniston will give you an eerie real-life version of the story. Turns out, Aniston is good friends with Jimmy Kimmel and his wife, so when Kimmel's wife started breastfeeding, Aniston had a little taste of the breast milk

Yes, she's serious. Seems like she wasn't spooked one bit and even went on to call it "sweet." We'll take her word for it, but watch the whole hilarious exchange here:

See this video on The Stir by CafeMom.

Yes, sure, we get it. Girlfriend, we're all in this together. Need me to hold your hair while you're sick? I'm there. Have a family emergency? I'll be by your side. Need my support while you're giving birth? Fine, all right, I'll feed you all the ice chips you need and let you squeeze my hand until you're through. It takes a village, right?

But hold up. Tasting your friend's breast milk? That's a new one.

It's definitely thrilling to be there to share the major moments of your friend's parental journey, and as Jennifer mentioned, she'd be there in a second. That'll definitely bond you.

But tasting their milk ...? That's a new level not every friendship is ready for.

Moms, would you let your girlfriends taste your breast milk?


Image via ABC

Infant Massage: Tips, Techniques and Benefits for Mom and Baby

Post by Judy Dutton.

Infant massage may sound a little woo woo, but hey, who doesn't love a little pampering? And as the benefits of infant massage continue to grow, more and more moms are giving it a try. "Some of the benefits of infant massage include helping you to bond with your baby, as well as helping babies relax, improving their sleep, digestion, and bowel movements, and developing their body awareness, which is important for movement," explains Diane Bahr, a certified infant massage instructor and author of Nobody Ever Told Me (or My Mother) That! Some studies also suggest that it can enhance a baby's immune system, which is particularly important for premature babies.


Infant massageWhen to do it: While infant massage can be done any time, before bath time and bedtime are great starting points. "Massage when the baby is in the quiet state when he is happy to lie still, and is not overtired or overactive," suggests Raechel Bull, a certified infant massage therapist and author of Ready or Not ... Out I Come! 

Gear to get: "Incorporating scented lotions and oils like lavender can be very relaxing and help baby sleep," adds Kathy Gruver, PhD, a licensed massage therapist at TheAlternativeMedicineCabinet.com who teaches infant massage to local mommy groups.

Here are some simple massage techniques that moms can try:

Get in a comfortable position. Sit with your baby on a clean blanket or towel on the floor with your legs in a circle with the bottoms of your feet touching. Place your baby’s head on the heels and insteps of your feet, and the baby’s body on the blanket inside your legs. "This allows you to reach the baby easily without hurting your back," says Bahr. "It places your baby’s head, neck, and shoulders in a good position, so the baby can get his or her hands to the mouth for calming and you can make wonderful eye contact while massaging your baby’s face and the front of your baby’s body.

Connect with your eyes and voice. Once you and your baby are in a comfortable position, begin the massage by talking to your baby and making eye contact. Tell your baby what you are doing -- i.e., "Meghan, now I'm going to touch your arms." "This is terrific for bonding and helps to develop a communication pattern that can be used throughout life between you and your baby," says Bahr. "You can also create a song to go along with the massage protocol. I teach parents to use the melody of the 'The Farmer in the Dell' to sing about each body part they are massaging: Massaging Meghan's arms, massaging Meghan's arms, hi-ho, the derry-o, massaging Meghan's arms."

Start your massage on baby's arms and legs. "I often teach parents to begin massage work using firm but gentle on-off squeezes/presses to the arms and legs to help baby become accustomed to the parent's touch," says Bahr. For the arms and legs, squeeze toward the hands and feet like you're milking a cow, suggests Gruver. From there, you can press your thumbs on their hands and feet in a slow paddling motion.

Rub the tummy. "Massage is also great for constipation and tummy trouble," says Gruver. Just be sure to rub in the right direction! "You ALWAYS want to do abdominal massage and adults and babies in a clockwise motion -- in other words starting at the right hip, going up and around by the navel, and then down to the left hip. That is the way the natural digestion flows." 

Massage the back. Spread your legs in a V shape and flip baby over. "The back is of course what we all think about when we have a massage as an adult," says Gruver. "Only because babies are so small there are only so many options. You can put your fingers on either side of the spine and go down/up in a straight line, taking care to never push directly on the spine."

Bottom line: "Remember every baby is different," says Gruver. "Try to see what their reaction is and gauge what you are doing to their preferences."

For more information: Check out the book Infant Massage: A Handbook for Loving Parents, or take a beginner's course by finding a certified infant massage instructor in your area at InfantMassageUSA.org.

Have you tried infant massage?


Images © Ian Hooton/Science Photo Library/Corbis; © iStock.com/naumoid      

1 Big Downside to Co-Sleeping That Makes That Crib Look Awfully Good

Post by Jodi Meltzer.

Who gets less sleep than a new mom? Tending to our cute little criers every two or three hours is downright exhausting. Sleep stupor brings on a whole level of desperation to catch some zzzzzzzzzzz's ... even leading some moms down the co-sleeping path to get some rest. But new research may change your mind about that methodology.

According to a new study, bed-sharing is linked with poor sleep quality in infants. Surprising, isn't it?

Of course the very thing some moms do to try to improve the hellish newborn "sleep schedule" may be the thing that's making it worse. 

The study findings, recently published in the Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, show a link between co-sleeping and increased nighttime awakenings and decreased periods of sleep for babies.

More from The Stir: 9 Safe Co-Sleeping Tips to Help Keep You Out of the News

Researchers analyzed 55,831 mom reports of child sleep at 6 months and again at 18 months to see if bed-sharing (defined in the study as a child sleeping in the same bed as mom and/or dad for at least half the night) could affect sleep patterns and duration. Twenty-nine percent of study participants shared a bed with their baby.

The findings? At 6 months, 69.5 percent of all infants in the study had nightly awakenings, but by 18 months, it was reduced to 26.6 percent. (There's hope, new moms!) But bed-sharing at 6 months tripled the risk an infant would frequently wake up in the middle of the night at 18 months.

So, not only does the American Academy of Pediatrics advise against co-sleeping to prevent accidental suffocation, but the benefit you thought you may get from sharing your bed -- more sleep! -- may not be happening for you, new mom.

It should be noted, by the way, that although breastfeeding was related to what the researchers called "concurrent nocturnal awakening" (aka, baby waking up), nursing was not negatively linked to baby's waking later on in life. They're laying the blame totally on co-sleeping.

It's exhausting trying to figure out the right thing to do, isn't it? All we want is the path of least resistance to much-needed sleep ... for us and for our babies.

Do these new findings make you reconsider your stance on co-sleeping? 


Image via © Mareen Fischinger/Corbis

Latest Breastfeeding News Is Good for Formula Feeders Too

Post by Jodi Meltzer.

Add this to the list of things to deep fry your nerves, moms: The food choices you make for your infant, both in quality and method of delivery, may affect his dietary choices at age 6.

No pressure, really. 

According to a series of studies funded by the Centers for Disease Control and published in the journal Pediatrics, infant feeding patterns affect kids' dietary choices longer than anticipated. Children who breastfeed for longer periods tend to eat healthier at age 6. But there's something formula moms can do to give their kids a healthy edge, too. 

Researchers found that children whose parents introduced them to healthy foods between 6 months and 12 months ate better later on in life. They tracked the diets of about 1,500 6-year-olds, comparing their eating habits to those observed in a study that followed them until they turned 1.

Basically, when infants ate lots of fruits and vegetables, they still ate lots of them at age 6. If they were introduced to sugary drinks in infancy, their taste for them continued at age 6. Food preferences start really early.

While breastfeeding has an added benefit when it comes to developing healthy eating patterns because it naturally exposes infants to a variety of flavors, the foods all moms introduce their kids to during infancy make a big difference.

The researchers suggest introducing a variety of fruits and vegetables by late infancy -- between 10 to 12 months old. It's important to keep trying as babies transition to table food. Sometimes it takes many attempts before a child develops a taste for a particular fruit or vegetable, but they usually will if you're persistent.

More from The Stir: 7 Signs Your Baby Is Ready for Solid Food

Contrary to popular belief, kids are not born with an overwhelming disdain for vegetables or desire for chicken nuggets. It's more of a learned behavior that moms can influence ... if we start early. 

Do you think the foods you gave your baby informed his or her palate?


Image via © Radius Images/Corbis

Parenting Styles From Around the World That Would Raise Eyebrows in the US

Post by Jodi Meltzer.

US parents are overwhelmingly guilty -- even if they really don't have a reason to feel that way. They're scared something will happen to their kids. They hover, they stifle ... they hold hands too tightly, for too long. It's common criticism we hear from parents who raise children in other countries.

There's praise, too. US parents are creative, silly, loving, attentive ... but there may be some lessons worth learning if we open our minds. Here are 7 ways parents from around the world approach childhood differently.

Do you think the US could learn a thing or two from parents in different countries? What could they learn from us?

Image via © Michele Constantini/PhotoAlto/Corbis

8 Tips for Feeding Solids to a Fussy Eater

Post by Judy Dutton.

It's dinner time! Your baby is strapped into her high chair and ready to chow down. But as soon you try the old airplane maneuver to convince her to open the hatch, she gives you the old head-turn ("no, thanks"). Or she tries one bite (yay!), then spits it out and flips that rice cereal onto the floor (boo!). Of course, you're tempted to throw in the towel -- that is, after cleaning up the mess with it -- but you know your baby has to eat. Not to worry, mealtime doesn't have to be so stressful with these tips for getting your baby to eat (no airplanes involved).

1. Sweeten the deal. "A good trick is to place food on a spoon and add the sweet taste of either fruit or yogurt to the tip of the spoon," says Schnia Roseberry, founder of DrNanny.org. Why? Because babies have sweet tooths, even more so than adults. Or if your baby balks at downing something healthy but bland like pureed kale, combine with a sweeter fruit like pureed banana or applesauce, suggests Ruth Yaron, author of the best-selling book Super Baby Food.

2. Sneak attack. If you're trying to introduce healthy foods and it's not going well, try this approach. "Prepare a half portion of your baby's favorite food alongside a half portion of the food you are trying to introduce," says Jess Miller, a nanny of 14 years who writes a guide for feeding babies at BabyPit.com. "Place them in the same bowl but keep them separate. Feed a spoonful of your baby's favorite and then alternate with the new introduction. Repeat until baby is full."

3. Let baby feed himself. "It always amazed me how effective this method is, particularly among strong-willed babies," says Miller. "Simply buy some easy to hold baby cutlery and put a bowl in front of them and watch in amazement as your baby eats foods you had no success with before." Just one thing: Prepare for mess. "Maybe prepare a second portion of food just in case this one gets sent tumbling to the floor," Miller adds.

More from The Stir: Stop Spoon Feeding Your Baby & Life Will Be So Much Easier

4. Be creative. Presenting the food to your baby in a more appealing manner is another way to get baby to chow down on food. For instance, "decorate your baby's plate in the shape of a face: curly carrot shavings for hair, half grapes for eyes, a blueberry for a nose," says Yaron. By associating the food with a fun object, your baby may be more inclined to let the food pass his lips.

5. Make it a game. "If you can associate food with fun, then half the battle of feeding a fussy baby is won," says Miller. "Play a game where food is the reward. Ask your baby to point at a household object or to make an animal noise. When he gets the answer correct, he gets a bite of your now delicious baby food."

6. Let your baby play with his food. "I know this goes against the advice your mother told you, but it seriously works," says Miller. "Let them smear it all over their plate, let them stack it into a tower. As long as the food eventually goes into your baby's mouth, who cares about the journey it takes? All you need to do is be quick to reprimand if your baby starts throwing food or pushing it onto the floor. This behavior is easily discouraged if addressed each time it occurs."

7. Don't engage in power struggles. "Keep offering new foods and don't be offended at refusals," says Yaron. "Remember to keep mealtimes pleasant and not to start any battles." Because food should be fun, and once it's not, feeding baby becomes that much harder.

8. Give up! If all else fails, maybe the problem isn't a picky eater, but a baby who is simply not ready to graduate to this new phase. "Some babies aren't ready to eat solids, so don't force it," says Roseberry. If your baby has already started eating solids but suddenly stopped or seems fussier than usual, it could be a sign that they are teething or maybe they're bored with the options (be sure to offer variety!). In either case, "if you notice signs of the baby being fussy, it's time for a break, no matter if the feeding was only 10 minutes," says Roseberry.

What are your tips for feeding a fussy baby solids?


Images © Brooke Fasani Auchincloss/Corbis; © iStock.com/PicturePartners

Alyssa Milano's Baby Name Is 1 Perfect Mash-Up of 2 Classics

Post by Jodi Meltzer.

Congratulations are in order for Alyssa Milano! The Mistresses star, 41, gave birth to her second child, a girl, on September 4. Mom and baby are healthy and happy -- yay! We're thrilled for 10 fingers, 10 toes, and all that good stuff ... but we can't help but applaud Alyssa's name choice, too. She made a bold move to break away from the brat pack of celeb moms who give their kids crazy names.

Alyssa and her husband David Bugliari named their baby girl Elizabella Dylan. Access to weird celeb baby name mom club? Denied! 

Elizabella Dylan. It's recognizable yet distinct. A nice combination of Elizabeth and Isabella, two beautiful names in their own right. No one will have trouble pronouncing it, it doesn't rhyme with any dirty words, and it's feminine (definitely not a given in celebville).

More from The Stir: Alyssa Milano's Easy Trick for Telling Her Baby Was a Girl -- Without an Ultrasound

And Dylan? According to Baby Name Wizard, it's one of those names that works for both girls and boys. It flows nicely after Elizabella.

Kudos to Alyssa on her new bundle of joy. Elizabella has loving parents, big brother Milo, almost 3, and a healthy start in life. Finally, a celeb baby who doesn't need therapy right out of the womb because her mom gave her a good name. Elizabella is so far ahead of the game in Lalaland!

What do you think of Alyssa Milano's baby name choice?

For more great baby name ideas to find your perfect baby name match, visit Baby Name Wizard

Image via © KW Photo and Film/Corbis Outline

Scarlett Johansson Names Her Baby After Herself

Post by Suzee Skwiot.

scarlett johansson

Though she's been extremely private throughout her pregnancy, Scarlett Johansson just confirmed via her rep that she gave birth to her first child. According to the statement, ScarJo welcomed a baby girl earlier today and she's given her a name ... that's just like her own.

Scarlett and her fiance, Romain Dauriac, named their daughter Rose.

Not only is it a simple, elegant name, we couldn't help but notice that it's a lot like her mama's.

Scarlet (with one "T") is, of course, a shade of the color red. And so is "Rose." Could it be that Scarlett wanted her girl to share her name without being too obvious? If so, it's brilliant and we love how sweet and subtle the gesture is.

Rose is not only a beautiful, classic name, it's also trendy. Floral baby names are big -- from Violet to Marigold and even Rowan (did you know it's a mythical magical tree?). Kelly Clarkson, Jimmy Fallon, and Kevin Jonas all have daughters with the middle name Rose. (Scarlett gave her baby the middle name of Dorothy, after her grandmother.)

More from The Stir: 60 Flower-Inspired Names for Your Spring Baby -- Boys, Too!

Rose Dorothy Dauriac.

We love it. And with a name like that, you know she'll never let go, Jack. (Sorry. Had to do it. We were all thinking it.)

Congratulations to Scarlett and Romain!

What do you think of Scarlett's baby name?

For more great baby name ideas to find your perfect baby name match, visit Baby Name Wizard

Image via Francois Durand/Getty Images

Sleep Deprived? Not Me!

Post by The Stir Bloggers.

dad bottle feeding a baby

Get ready to hate me. Or steal my husband. Or think I’m the worst mother in the whole wide world. Or maybe you’ll admire my ingenuity!

I am a miser of my sleep. I don’t do well when I’m tired. I get really cranky and tend to take it out on the closest person -- who would be my dear, sweet husband. He certainly doesn’t deserve it, so I always say our arrangement was made for his own good.

When I was pregnant, I slept like a log. I won’t say I slept like a baby because, as anyone who has a baby knows, that’s the world’s worst analogy! I think my biggest fear during pregnancy was what was going to become of my precious sleep.

But, as fate would have it, for many different reasons, I didn’t breastfeed. Despite all the fretting, it ended up working out just fine. I’m a rule-follower, so when I learned that a formula-fed baby could last three to four hours between meals, I made sure she did. My baby was on a perfect little schedule after about three weeks.

Hate me yet? Keep reading.

My husband, who was a great hands-on dad from day one (as a matter of fact, he was the one who changed the very first diaper -- and insisted on using Huggies® -- but that’s another story!), loved feeding the baby. He also requires about half the amount of sleep I do, so I devised a perfect plan.

I fed the baby at 10 p.m. and went right to bed afterward. I slept until she cried at 2 a.m. (like clockwork!) and got up and fed her. I was able to fall right back to sleep and some mornings even thought, Hmm, did she even wake up last night? My husband would do the 6 a.m. feeding, allowing me to sleep until 8 or even 9 o’clock in the morning!

His work day started late and ended late so he was able to spend lots of time playing with the baby in the morning. Since he rarely made it home for dinner, morning became cherished daddy-and-baby time.

This kept up as baby number one turned into a toddler and baby number two came along. My husband has continued to be the morning guy, giving the kids bonding time with their dad and giving me a good night’s sleep.

Now, I know not everyone is as lucky as I am on the sleep front. Some moms are so uncomfortable or anxious during their pregnancy that they are sleep deprived even before the baby is born. But you don’t have to resign yourself to a sleepless fate. Check out these great Getting a Good Night’s Sleep tips I found on CafeMom.com. Then go take a nap!

Because as we all know, a well-adjusted family begins with a well-rested mother!

How did you handle your lack of sleep once your baby was born?

Image © iStock.com/aabejon

Kelly Clarkson's Teeny Baby Attends Her First Concert (PHOTO)

Post by Lisa Fogarty.

Kelly Clarkson is my girl crush today because she had the guts to do something my mother would totally scold me for doing: she took her teeny weeny little baby girl River Rose to her very first concert!

At the tender age of not-yet-three-months, the lucky little girl got to see a couple of legends: Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood, who performed in Chicago. But, smart mommy that she is, Kelly took all the necessary precautions prior to exposing her little one, who was born on June 12, to some really loud music: and the photo she snapped and posted on her Twitter account is too adorable for words.

Kelly posted this gorgeous pic along with the message: "Got 2 sing with @TYcom tonight in Chicago & watched her and Garth as well! Amazing show! It was River's 1st concert!"

How precious is this?! And what a special opportunity for Kelly to introduce her daughter to her music and the tunes of two of her favorite artists. If you're loving the gorgeous headphones River is sporting, you're not alone. Kel got so much feedback about them that she sweetly tweeted: "So people keep talking about the headphones that River is wearing in the last pic I posted. My girl Leslie made them! PreciousMetalDesign.com"

LOVE the shout-out she gave her buddy, and no doubt she'll be sending some well-deserved business her way.

As for the question (and it shouldn't even be a question) of whether it's okay to have an infant at a loud concert, her headphones say it all. Given her mom's business and passion, this certainly won't be the last show River Rose gets to attend before she's a teen and (let's hope) taking the stage by storm herself. Lucky baby!

Do you think Kelly's baby is too young to attend a concert?


Images via kelly-clarkson/Twitter


Alyssa Milano Posts Sweetest First Public Photo of Her Baby Girl (PHOTO)

Post by Lisa Fogarty.

Celebrity moms probably have a difficult time deciding when, if ever, is the right time to introduce their newborn baby to the public. On the one hand, they know paparazzi will eventually snap that money shot as they are leaving their homes for a doctor appointment -- it's inevitable. Some smart celebs make the choice to take matters into their own hands and release baby photos when they feel it's the right time.

Alyssa Milano is one smart cookie. The Mistressses actress took to Instagram following the birth of her daughter Elizabella Dylan Bugliari and posted the most adorable first public baby photo we've seen in a long time. It's a bit unusual -- but just perfect.

Alyssa made sure to include her son Milo, 3, in the precious shot and posted the following beside it: "Milo meets his baby sister for the first time." But, as you'll see, she left a few things out:

Oh my goodness -- how cute is this?! All we get are hands and teeny feet but the message is clear: Milo is going to be an amazing, protective big brother.

I love how Alyssa has protected her family's privacy by excluding Milo and Elizabella's faces from the shot -- yet she still manages to give people a glimpse into her sweet new world. When I gave birth to my first baby, I became obsessed with capturing her tiny toes on camera -- don't ask me why. There was something so intimate about those photos -- I still look back at them and smile.

Since Alyssa has posted full-length shots of Milo on her Instagram, there's no doubt she'll do the same with her daughter. But she's got time for all of that and, for now, this first glance at Elizabella is just wonderful.

Do you like Alyssa's photo? Do you have any creative photos of your babies?


Image via milano_alyssa/Instagram

I Made Friends With My Kid's Babysitter

Post by Judy Dutton.

I've heard from moms that being friends with the babysitter is a huge taboo, akin to a boss sleeping with his secretary. But I did it anyway.

Cece was different than any other sitter I'd hired. Rather than sit there checking her smartphone, she'd actually sit on the floor and play and talk with my daughter, whose eyes would light up as soon as she walked through the door. But what made Cece truly different was something else: I wanted to be her friend.

At first, I had my qualms. For starters, I'd found her on Craigslist -- a sketchy place to mine for friends. I knew zippo about this woman or anyone who'd ever hired her. Probably the only reason I did give her a chance was that I'd be working at home anyway, where I could keep one ear cocked for anything fishy.

Another reservation I had with befriending Cece was that the whole point to hiring a babysitter was to get stuff done... yet I often found myself chatting with her over coffee while she showed me photos of her artwork and talked about her dreams of opening an art school for kids. It would be rude to just walk away while she was happily prattling about her hopes and dreams, right? Had we not been friends, it would have been so much easier to just hand her my daughter then go about my day.

Then Cece started showing up late. She chalked it up to problems with public transportation. My husband thought that was bullcrap. "She's late because she's Latin and Latins are always late," he said (he grew up in a Latin family so I didn't hold this blanket stereotyping against him). "And because you're too friendly with her. She's getting too comfortable."

More From The Stir: Your Nanny Is Not Your Friend

I could see his point. I could also see how if Cece and I weren't so chummy, it would have been easier to lay down the law and say she had to show up on time. Yet I never called Cece on her lateness, since friends just don't do that. And besides, I simply had nowhere urgent or important to go; I just needed time to finish various writing projects. So I let it slide.

Still, I had my limits. If Cece were more than a half hour late, I did dock her pay and explain why, or ask her to stay a half hour later to make up the difference. Yes, these conversations always made me feel like such a heel -- I'd never do this to a "pure" friend/non-employee. Yet she always accepted what I said with a smile and "no problem," which made me wonder: Was she being sunny because we were friends, or because I was her boss? It was impossible to tell.

I also worried that befriending the babysitter spoke poorly of my social skills as a new mom. I tried going to mommy meet-ups on occasion but never broke past the small talk and became good friends with any of them. Everywhere I looked, from playgrounds to sing-alongs, I saw moms bonding with moms. The only person I seemed to have any rapport with was my babysitter, whom I paid to keep my daughter company. Is that pathetic or what?

But at the end of the day, I decided to give in and throw caution to the wind because, well, I was a lonely new mom -- and the fact that Cece knew my daughter so well already made it easy to break past the idle chitchat and have a real conversation. So once the day was done, I handed my babysitter her payment, then invited her to stay for a glass of wine. After the slightest hesitation -- whether due to pleasant surprise or weighing the ramifications, I'll never know -- she accepted with a smile.

Things warmed up from there. At Christmas, we exchanged gifts -- she got me a necklace, I got her earrings. We had her and her fiancé over for dinner. Yet I often worried whether she felt these unpaid, "social" visits were obligatory or just good business. It also got awkward when Indy needed a diaper change or dinner. I tried to draw a clear distinction that Cece had "punched out" and these duties were now part of my own job description as a mom, but the clear lines between work and regular life often got messy -- and she often ended up holding the wipes.

More from The Stir: Why My Babysitter Is in My Family Portrait

When our daughter turned 2, my husband and I decided she was ready for day care -- far cheaper than paying a babysitter by the hour. Breaking the news to Cece was hard and heartbreaking, much like dumping a guy you've been dating for years. But Cece said she understood. I wrote her a glowing recommendation on a local parenting site that got her a nanny job that paid far better than I could, which made me feel good about letting her go.

I also knew this would be the true test of the strength of our friendship: Once I was no longer forking over cash, would she still swing by and say hi? She sure did and still does to this day two years later -- which confirmed for me that she is truly one of the kindest, more genuine people I've met since my daughter's birth. When people like this cross your path, it doesn't matter if they're your babysitter, or your boss, or your Starbucks barista. They are rare and should be treasured and treated like the friends they truly are.

Are you friends with your babysitter?


Image © Beau Lark/Corbis

Does a Breastfed Baby Need to Be Burped?

Post by Judy Dutton.

While most moms know that burping is a necessity for bottle-fed babies, breastfed babies typically don't need to be burped as often ... or even at all. This is because "babies don't tend to swallow air while breastfeeding like those who are bottle-fed," says Cheryl Wu, MD, a pediatrician in New York. This means that little or no air gets trapped in the baby's stomach, which can cause tummy pain that can be relieved when that air is released -- with a burp. That said, it doesn't mean that a breastfed baby's feeding is always airtight -- and there are times when a good burping is in order.

Breastfed babies who get distracted while nursing, those who are half-hearted suckers, and those who take a while to latch onto the breast are all likely to need a good burp to help get air out of their tummies. The good news for new moms? Your baby will likely let you know if she needs to be burped.

If your baby seems excessively fussy after breastfeeding, take that as a sign. "One of the indicators babies need to be burped is if they arch their backs -- a sign of reflux -- or squirm and grimace and act very uncomfortable after feeding," says Dr. Wu. "Sometimes they may even act like they're hungry but refuse to eat. At that point, try to burp baby. And if baby's face becomes serene or falls asleep thereafter, then you'll know that's what that grimace was about."

More from The Stir: The Ultimate Guide to Breastfeeding

Some moms make it a point to burp their babies every time they switch breasts. At the very least, burping will help prevent babies from getting gassy in the first place. "The pause and the change of position alone will slow her gulping and reduce the amount of air she takes in," explains Lauren de la Rosa, a baby feeding and nutrition expert at NurturMe.com.

While it's fine to just burp a breastfeeding baby when necessary -- i.e., you spot signs of discomfort -- if your breastfed baby is occasionally given a bottle, you should adjust your approach at those times. During bottle feedings, make burping a priority, with a pause from feeding every few minutes to release any intake of air.

For more information, check out Dr. Wu's video on how to burp a baby: 


See this video on The Stir by CafeMom.

Does your breastfed baby need to be burped?


Image © Wavebreak Media LTD/Wavebreak Media Ltd./Corbis

7 Surprising Scientific Facts About Fall Babies

Post by Judy Dutton.

'Tis the season to pop out babies! Fall, it turns out, is a popular time for birthdays: According to a ranking of births in the U.S. from 1973 to 1999, more babies are born in September than any other month, with September 16 being the most common birth date. And that's just one of many "who knew?" fun facts about babies born in the fall. Whether you're a mom whose due date falls in this window or you celebrate your own birthday in autumn yourself, take a look at the scientifically backed trivia below about what this may mean in terms of your health, athletic abilities, how long you'll live, and more. 

More from The Stir: 100 Best Fall Baby Names

For more surprising facts, read:

11 Surprising Scientific Facts About Firstborn Children

9 Surprising Scientific Facts About Youngest Children

11 Surprising Facts About Babies Born During the Summer

10 Surprising Facts About Babies Born in the Winter

8 Surprising Scientific Facts About Only Children

8 Surprising Scientific Facts About Breastfeeding

When was your baby born? Do the facts fit?

Images © Henglein and Steets/cultura/Corbis; © iStock.com/jessicaphoto     

New Autism 'Cure' for Babies Sounds Way Too Good to Be True

Post by Suzee Skwiot.

mom playing with baby

A new study coming out of the University of California at Davis MIND Institute is showing that treatment and therapy can eliminate developmental delays for children with early signs of autism. So is that good news? Maybe! But before you start hailing the successes of the study, it's important to consider so many more factors.

The researchers at UC Davis tested out a pilot therapy program on seven babies, ages 6 to 9 months, who were showing early signs of autism. The kids' parents worked on a treatment plan with them at home, and researchers followed the children until their third birthday, when they discovered that six of the seven kids had caught up in all of their learning and language skills. By 3, those kids had neither autism nor a developmental delay.

It's being hailed across the Internet this week, but come on. Seven kids do not a ground-breaking study make.

It's a bit of an understatement to say that autism has become a controversial topic. From causes to treatments to cures (and whether or not it can or SHOULD be "cured"), parents and doctors have debated the gamut. Now we have this study being thrown at us that claims to give parents the tools to make autism "disappear."

The results may be promising, and the six children who seemed to have made positive progress is a good thing. But a six in seven number just doesn't seem to be enough to call it a full "success." We need science to provide more of a basis for the study before any parent can really form a qualified opinion.

Which begs the question: why are these sort of minute studies bandied about, anyway? There's so little that can be drawn from them. Certainly not enough to support headlines like "Study: Autism Signs in Babies Can Be Erased" or "Can Early Intervention Reverse Autism?"

We need more conclusive data and bigger and further ranging studies before we can address something as serious as autism. We need good, hard facts that don't send parents off half-cocked.

True, early intervention has been shown to be helpful to kids on the spectrum (and kids with a range of other issues), so this study may be headed somewhere promising. The researchers are starting to work on expanding this specific program and getting more families involved in the testing. They're sourcing for funds and more participation to really gauge the triumph.

But until we hear that scientists worked with more kids than your typical AYSO team fields for a soccer game, parents would be wise not to get too worked up about "reversing" autism.

What do you make of the study's results?


Image © iStock.com/CareyHope

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